all postcodes in S26 / SHEFFIELD

find any address or company within the S26 postcode district

Postcode Area

S / Sheffield

Postcode District


select a postcode below to view the associated residential addresses, businesses and companies

Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
S26 5LB 20 0 53.34052 -1.295874
S26 5LE 8 0 53.342768 -1.276552
S26 5LH 4 0 53.341832 -1.278054
S26 5LL 63 0 53.339801 -1.293227
S26 5LN 44 0 53.342181 -1.274984
S26 5LP 22 0 53.339593 -1.282447
S26 5LQ 59 1 53.338862 -1.285042
S26 5LX 38 0 53.342497 -1.297763
S26 5LY 12 0 53.339721 -1.276858
S26 5LZ 47 0 53.340576 -1.293484
S26 5NA 44 0 53.340029 -1.293719
S26 5NB 1 0 53.337449 -1.275695
S26 5NF 18 0 53.339721 -1.278375
S26 5NS 55 0 53.337659 -1.276217
S26 5NT 45 0 53.337534 -1.274972
S26 5NX 6 0 53.34064 -1.278405
S26 5NY 36 0 53.342145 -1.277853
S26 5NZ 18 0 53.339753 -1.279215
S26 5PA 41 0 53.337945 -1.277443
S26 5PB 6 0 53.347799 -1.282279